How To Send Feedback to Maptuit

Revision History
Revision 1.5Document generated on: Wed Mar 9 11:46:23 EST 2011

Table of Contents
Legal Notice-Terms of Your Use of this Document
Types of Feedback
How Feedback Works
Providing Feedback
Providing feedback via FleetNav Central or NaviGo Portal
Providing feedback via Email
What happens when Maptuit receives a request?

Legal Notice-Terms of Your Use of this Document

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You can help improve directions and driver safety by submitting feedback to Maptuit.

Welcome to the Maptuit family.

Maptuit offers the most complete truck specific directions in the industry by using our proprietary routing algorithms combined with the truck specific road attributes provided by NAVTEQ to get your drivers the most cost effective, safest truck route possible.

With hundreds of thousands of bridges, roads and highways that are constantly under repair or construction, no data provider is ever 100% accurate. While other companies make you wait for a quarterly or yearly data release to get critical restriction data that may prevent an accident, Maptuit's Road Network is updated daily.

Maptuit's customer service team relies on feedback from drivers and driver managers — members of our network of over 80,000 trucks — to continually update our data in real time, so that your drivers get the latest, most comprehensive set of truck specific directions in the industry.

Types of Feedback

One common mistake that Driver Managers make is that they pass these changes to internal teams that update static directions. These static directions become stale quickly and are not reliable. Also, most of these direction changes apply to only ONE customer. This means that it does not address routes that may pass through the same region.

Maptuit receives feedback from drivers and driver managers on a daily basis. This feedback ranges from reports of closed roads and obstructions, to questions why a driver was sent a certain way. All these types of feedback are useful when improving both your entire Custom Network in Maptuit products, and the Maptuit Road Network used by all fleets.

Almost any routing behavior can be changed to meet the needs of your drivers — we just need to know about it.

How Feedback Works

All feedback that we receive is researched and acted upon by our Customer Service Representatives. The feedback may result in a custom restriction added to your specific truck network, or an addition to the Maptuit Global Network for all Maptuit users to benefit from. Your drivers are the front line to this process, and we count on them as they are the ones that will notice road changes, obstructions and other information that is inconvenient or even dangerous for drivers and their trucks. While we can take direct feedback from your drivers via a feedback macro that can be placed in your in cab mobile communication unit, our largest fleets have found that the best practice for a fleet is to designate a single point of contact to approve driver feedback before sending it to Maptuit. This serves to filter feedback so that we do not act based on driver preferences that may not be appropriate for your fleet.


Bob Jones is a driver for FleetCentral Trucking. He had reported that a road has changed — it is now a dead end, and another road has been created to access the location he was dispatched to.

Bob's driver manager would verify what the driver reported in FleetNav Central or NaviGo Portal to determine if the Road Network needs to change and that the new route the driver suggests is appropriate for the fleet to take. Once the driver manager approves a change he sends feedback from FleetNav Central or the NaviGo Portal to Maptuit Support to implement the requested change.

Providing Feedback

Providing feedback via FleetNav Central or NaviGo Portal

The best way to send feedback about a particular route or direction message is through the Send Feedback buttons in FleetNav Central or NaviGo Portal. These applications automatically send the details of the route along with the feedback message, and automatically include your profile's name and email address for our Customer Support staff. Make sure to include a detailed description of the problem with the route.

Specifically, Send Feedback buttons are located in these applications:

  • In FleetNav Central, in Directions Monitor, in the Route view, above the map

  • In NaviGo Portal, in NaviGo Monitor

  • In NaviGo Portal, in the page header.

Providing feedback via Email

You can also send an email to describing the situation. To ensure that your request is understood and resolved quickly, we recommend that you use follow these guidelines. This will help us to determine what resources are required and how to approach the problem.

Email Formats

  1. Subjects with Priority and Need

    Urgent: Restriction Needed - Report of a low bridge, weight restriction or other obstruction, or a truck-restricted road along the route.

    Medium: Routing Change Request - We sent directions that must be changed unless we determine that it would be unsafe or illegal for a truck.

    Normal: Data Update needed - A road or address seems to be missing and needs to be added.

    Normal: Routing question - To analyse why a particular route was used, perhaps to decide whether or not to take corrective action.

  2. Email Body

    The body of the email should describe the situation and desired outcome. Feel free to include dispatch numbers, unit numbers, screenshots of the issue, or any other information you believe is important.

What happens when Maptuit receives a request?

Once Customer Service receives your request and investigates the solution, a custom restriction will be implemented in your system within 48 hrs. If your suggestion is applicable to all trucking fleets, then further verification may be needed, but once complete your request will be promoted to the Maptuit Global road network for all to benefit from.

The more information you provide, the faster we can implement it for you, but it doesn't have to be unmanageable. Tell us what needs to happen, and we will do our best to get your changes working - sometimes in hours, sometimes in days, but unlike other navigation solutions, it won't be months or years!

We hope this overview has provided insight into how valuable your business is to us, and how we can help you build better directions for your drivers that are not only cost effective, but some of the safest in the industry.

If you have any questions please call Maptuit Customer Care at 1-866-MAPTUIT (Option 3) or email us at

We look forward to working with you.